Abstract submission is limited to one page in 2-column
10 point IWIN format including Figure and Table on A4.
Please download and use the LaTeX2e or
Microsoft Word sample IWIN formats below.
Note that original abstract section of IWIN formt is
not needed in the abstract paper submission.
Print the IWIN-Formt.pdf file, and follow the instructions for preparing your manuscript. Your paper will appear in the published volume in exactly the submitted format. Please adhere strictly to the 2-column 10 point format. Reproduction will be in black and white, with gray-scale rendition of graphics.
Because we would like to be exactly consistent with the same paper format in the proceeding, please download and use the LaTeX2e or Microsoft Word sample IWIN formats below.
Note that the paper size is A4, not letter. Please use proper settings of your software (Adobe Acrobat etc.) for the production of a PDF file.
Abstract submission is limited to one page.
Paper submission has no page limitation.
Camera-ready for full/short paper submission
has no page limitation.
Submitted paper will be subject to a full review process. An electronic, PDF-based submission of papers is mandatory. Please send the PDF file of your paper to secretariat[at]infsoc.org with the following information:
After the workshop, a selected number of papers will be published as International Journal of Informatics Society (IJIS).